Saturday, January 14, 2023

sixth generation jet fighter

Sixth Generation Jet Fighter - The fifth-generation US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter continues to roll off the production line and be deployed around the world. Work has begun on a 6th generation futuristic fighter, which could add stealth and assist drones, artificial intelligence. and even the ability to heal itself while taking damage.

Welcome to Left Boom, I'm your host. Managing Editor Hope Hodge Seck Late last year, senior Air Force officials acknowledged that the unit secretly developed and flew prototypes for the future fighter. There are many speculations. At least twelve countries are currently in the process of developing sixth-generation fighters. While experts continue to debate what the "sixth generation" means, one thing is clear: the planes of the future will be smarter and will be assisted by more drones. There will still be a pilot in the cockpit. Providing further insight into the future of fighter jet warfare. We're joined by Richard Aboulafia, Vice President of Analytics at Teal Group. He is one of the leaders in aviation and his column appears regularly in Aviation Week and Richard Aboulafia welcomes you to the show.

Sixth Generation Jet Fighter

Sixth Generation Jet Fighter

Let's start with the basic questions. I think many have heard of the current fourth, fifth and sixth generation fighters. Can you describe the sixth generation fighters? And what is the main feature of the previous improved version?

Light Sixth Generation Fighter On Behance

I'll let you know when I get there. That's right. So, you know, we've been defining models of fighters that have been very loosely designed over the years. And you know, I think there are a few. There are many things that cause breakouts. between generations. And its predecessor wasn't even supersonic, you know, you can see what happened. Basic launch and technology terms over the years. Whether it's a precision radar that can move beyond line of sight. air-to-air missile A better electronic warfare system Did you know, radar, electronically scanned array antenna? So much for the 5th generation, can you describe it broadly? that there is some degree of secrecy Perhaps not all sides are camouflaged. But the ability to observe is low. Built-in sensor integration that allows pilots to better understand what's happening around them on the battlefield. Of course, a fully integrated EW system that responds to a variety of threats. and many other assistants, the main thing is that this is a sufficient way to determine the market to some extent. and therefore therefore doubtful. The only fifth generation aircraft produced were the F 22 and F-35, everything else was fourth generation. But due to the number of building blocks and subsystems involved in the 5th generation, also known as the 4.5th generation, it will clear the line.

If I were Michael Scott's question, "Tell me like I'm five," you'd say 4, 5, 6 in one sentence. How would you sum it up?

Various trench technologies are applied. And the fifth has the most prominent feature, low observation ability. and with large amounts of data Multiple on-board and in-flight sensors All data is sent to the pilot. So that he can see a really clear picture. About the battlefield in a dangerous environment

This is useful. Thank you. I think I've now seen 12 countries announce that they are working on a 6th generation fighter, including our favorite superpower rivals and friends. Which country do you think is more developed at the moment and what progress has been made?

What Next For Us Sixth Generation Fighter?

You know, there's a lot of questions about what the sixth generation is, and you know, you have to start with the fifth generation as a base first. are your basic building blocks This means that the US has a huge advantage. Because it is the only country that actually manufactures 5th generation aircraft. People who make 6th generation now do not make anything other than what is in 5th generation. Because they only make 4th generation or 4.5th generation. Did you know that one of the biggest launchers is probably just a hyperlink? Everything is connected. There are systems, other nodes on the battlefield, other sensors in aircraft, all connected at very high speed. Another thing in great demand will be an important part of it, mainly Teamwork between humans and machines on a larger scale. And that means Loyal Wingman-type systems and the ability to operate ancillary systems around the pilot. That means Skyborg, Loyal Wingman or any air force that Australia partners with. It is one of the systems built and will be the key to this technology. Because it also uses artificial intelligence. You know, a single pilot can't do much with a bunch of auxiliary systems. Of course, those hydraulics would be given a certain degree of autonomy in battle. There will be major artificial intelligence. One of the key points of the sixth generation may be working around the limitations of the basic F-35 fifth generation plan. an impressive feat compared to the Mission in terms of stealth. But as an aircraft it is pretty bad compared to the F-22. The joke is that the F-22 is an amazing aircraft to find a good mission equipment package, and the F-35 is an amazing mission equipment package to find a good air vehicle. So if you can relate the traditional metrics of lift-off time, speed, payload, distance, etc. to fifth-generation mission engines, maybe sixth-generation depends on your definition.

This looks interesting. There's a lot to discover there. So I'm going to break it down into parts. But let's talk about privacy. First of all, there are many misconceptions about it -- what is privacy? Especially about F=35, can you provide a basic primer and talk about what the opacity is? how to understand And what kind of privacy can we see on the 6th generation platform?

Yes, and there is a huge misconception about hacking. It seems to most people it was seen as a Romulan cloaking device. Including the legendary moment when Donald Trump said he secretly made her invisible. It is a good time in political relations and aerospace. Actually, it means you want to see a second. It comes down. And of course, traditional air-to-air combat means that stealth from the front is a top priority for the fighter. You can use your fighter jet to penetrate enemy airspace for strike missions. in which case Camouflage on all sides would be good. But this is not the right priority, the priority will appear in the second place. So you shoot first and you have to kill the other one before they kill you. Now, as with the B-21 following the B-2 bomber, stealth in all directions is essential when it comes to stealth. Because this is not a plane that will be more. shooting at other planes This is the plane that will enter the airspace as you know. Take out high value targets But with fighter, stealth, low surveillance, it's more up front. And that means a second look. And this can be expressed by the shape of the fuselage. It can be expressed in terms of emissions, you know, there are different dimensions. many of which we use to measure privacy

Sixth Generation Jet Fighter

You mentioned Loyal Wingman, what's the main idea behind it and what do we predict in the future Every manned fighter has an unmanned sidekick like R2-D2?

Forget The F 35: What Exactly Is A 6th Generation Fighter?

You know that it's easy to overstate the pace of new, colorful and impressive technologies, right? History tells us that in 5-10 years everything will change. Most likely, this kind of technology is a story in 2040, maybe 2050, but the potential is very impressive. and as you know the ability to have assistive drones that take pictures and detect and other things that work with you. And it seems to be making up for the massive lack of quantity in some theaters. You read The Pacific, right? You know, I mean, placement is certainly a big deal. You can only have a few carriers and a few air bases. And if you are in conflict with an enemy or a nearby opponent. And this was their home turf. You must have the ability to create

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